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freedquaker said:

But the average PC has 4 GB today, with 1-2 OS overhead, and the Game developers KNOW that. Also, 35+% of the PCs out there still operate on 32 bit OSes. Developers know that as well.

The very steam statistics page you yourself linked to as "objective and unbiased truth" clearly states the average is 8GB, and thats even with all the low end laptops factored in.

Additionally, the very steam statistics page you yourself linked to as "objective and unbiased truth" clearly states that 78% of OS used by steam users is 64bit (meaning only 22% use 32bit), ALL mac users are using 64bit, and only 0.07% of linux users are using 32bit.

You are now pulling numbers out of your ass, numbers your own "evidence" clearly debunks.