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benjaminwillcock said:
Oh so I'm in the wrong for doing what, exactly? Sticking up for my beliefs when there's hoards of anti-Sony folk spewing their propaganda? At least I don't make a point of venturing into the Microsoft boards to do the same. We're all entitled to our views, but I've said nothing wrong nor done anything to inflame anyone, this is after all a Sony forum. If you read this entire thread back, the problems all came about when Starcraft began attacking other people posting positive Sony comments. I only started to get picky with him when he started doing this. A few people in here beside myself have pointed out what he's been up to. So how am I in the wrong again? Remind me.

Okay, I shouldn't have called him a "ring-licker" that was derogatory and I apologize for that one singular outburst, but for you lot to actually attack me because of my name, well, that's just high school bulling tactics and you ought to be bloody ashamed of yourself. I've never once been nasty or aggressive, just returning serves from people with opposite views. In the civilized world that is called political debate. You've basically just shown yourselves up as complete and utter childish fools who think they can win arguments by resulting to personal name calling. At least I've apologized for my one outburst. I've also, on SEVERAL notable occasions tried to get everything back ON topic so as to avoid this kind of thing from happening, but you lot just wouldn't have it. So who's at wrong now?

My only crime here is that I am a) willing to stand up for my views and not let them fall by the wayside when anti-whatever fanboys come along, and b) I have an unwilling knack for responding back to those sorts of comments when I should know better than to give you more ammunition.

Just thought I'd quote this in case he secretely tries to edit the most contradictory post I've ever seen;)

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS