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15 to 25 from a boxed copy that costs 40-60 which might be shared with a publisher.


10 to 21 on a title that costs 15-30 digitally. I guess those digital day ones are really profitable at 42 in profit. You can also bypass a publisher in many cases getting more out of the pie. There is also less fuss about getting a product on shelves which costs money itself. Does anyone know what the publisher developer margin would be on PSN,XBL, eShop? I just assume 70/30 split like Android and iOS. If that is the case it really seems like for developers specifically digital is the way to go. Less hassle more porfits lol.

With digital there is the 'benefit' of no used games, but in my experience you can't find used games from good devs so it's kind of a moot point.