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VitroBahllee said:

Seece is right. You are hearing the word 'reputation' and not realizing it doesn't mean "They treated you differently on the one thing you said because of your reputation." What it means is 'This last thing isn't the major reason we're banning you, it's because you ALWAYS say rude stuff.'

Arguing over how bannable this last thing is doesn't matter. It was the 'straw that broke the camels back.' The sum of all the inciting stuff you've said from your last ban is what got you banned.


It's like saying there's a 1,000 word limit on something. You type five hundred words, then another five hundred words, then add one more word. "It's just a word!" Yes, but it adds up to the other ones to make 1,001.

I can't underdand what you guys are trying to say (this is my fault... not yours)...

For me it is simple... I made a comment about how I was curious to see a Wii U version of the game in the comparision video and blamed Konami because they choose to exclude Wii U from the list of plataforms (this is a unfair decision but I understand that beause what matter to Konami is sales after all).

I was banned because that... this is ridiculous to use the least strong work and in my opinion it is like to call me a retarded or idiot.