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In the US we really are spoiled and live in the golden age of cheaper games. I know people see $60 in 1994 and $60 in 2014 and think games are the same price, but the fact is back then I remember SNES games holding to $60 for a long time and maybe hit $30 after two years. These days it is not uncommon for a game to drop quickly or have sales within weeks or months of release. I wanted to get "The Last of Us" and it was on sale for $45 a week after release. I can pretty much predict games that will drop within months, and Tomb Raider was a classic example as I got it for $30 only three months after release.

My PS3 library dwarfs my SNES library, largely due to my per game investment going from $50 back then to $25 these days. I have least twenty games bought for sub $15, which would have been unthinkable back in 16 bit era. So, this thinking has definitely worked on me as know many games would not have bothered with if not for being in the bargain bins.