DirtyP2002 said:
Ok buddy lol. Look I don't have the time to add 100 links, but sure you believe what you want to. 2) Killzone did not even have voice chat. What is this, 1997? If you go that route: Killzone SF does less than Halo 3. True story. DIdn't have voice chat? LOL someone clearly has never played the game! The Xbox One didn't let you manage your storage. So by your logic it is behind the PS2 right? 3) The point is that it comes down to the game. That is all I am saying. Forza and Ryse are visually impressive games (especailly for launch games) so the console IS capable to deliver such titles. I am not impressed by Forza at all. Congradulations! If you turn down detail a ton and take away all dynamic effects you can pull off 1080p. Well guess what? My old $300 Netbook could technically run COD4 in 1080p if I turned absolutily every detail down. I am just getting tired of people making a oh so big deal out of the resolution for certain games. This generation is not even 4 months old ffs. Just compare Early Xbox 360 games like PDZ with Halo 4 or early PS3 games like Motorstorm with GT6. I for one enjoyed last gens blockbuster games like Gears of War or Uncharted and I still think those are great looking games. Now we are getting games that look even better and all VGC does is counting pixels. The games I am looking forward to the most right now are Titanfall and Quantum Break and I just don't give a fuck about the resolution for these titles, because I can't wait to get the hands on a really cool online Shooter and I can't wait to see how live action TV series will be used for a game. This is the interesting stuff and the reason I spent 500€ on a new system and not the resolution. You are completily missing the point as to why websites keep bringing up resolution. YES THEY WANT FANBOY HITS, but after that we get to this issue: MS said the difference would be negligable. Not only did they say that, they kept bringing it up all the time and even went as far as to say "I can't wait for the truth to come out." The truth is out, and now the online community is proving just how wrong MS was. 720p is less than half the pixels of 1080p. The Xbox One is half as strong, and people need to get over it. Until everyone has, the hammer is gonna keep coming down. MS should have just said right out of the gate that it IS weaker (Like Nintendo did with the Wii). Or at the very least they should have just said "No Comment." |