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Wright said:
Incubi said:
NobleTeam360 said:
How does someone only get 21 years for killing 77 people? Is the legal system that broken in whatever country this is in?

It will be indefinitely renewed. Guess what that means in practice.

Punishment serves to deter people from doing bad things. What kind of example are you giving criminals if you compare the crimes of Brevik and his punishment for doing so?

Yes, too bad he we'll be in prison indefinitively playing Playstation 3 and enjoying his time.

Perhaps his PS3 demand will fall on deaf ears. He can demand anything he wants. Doesn't mean he'll get it. Anyways, the legal system seems to have worked fine for a long time since we have far less criminal acts in our country than anywhere else in the world. The Breivik acts is abnormal in this country to say the least and something none could have forseen, and something none could've imagined could happen - atleast not in in Norway. It could be laws will be rewritten in light of this, but it will take time.