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superhippy420 said:
vivster said:

I can't decide if you're serious or not. Still trying to find a single kernel of a fact in your post.

Sony just sold off PC and TV lowering the number of devices.

Microsoft loses not nearly enough on the Xbox that it would affect them financially.

Nintendo is in trouble with no real hope that it will get significantly better in the future. Sony and MS on the other hand will get better as install base grows(and easily outgrows Nintendo's)

Except for december the PS4 has been outselling the 3DS every week in every region it is released and with severe supply constraint. Add to that the much higher price and you got yourself a handheld selling worse than a home console.

You really don't understand how this business stuff works my friend.

-PS4 sold for $399.  Parts alone are about $375. Then add manufacturing costs. shipping costs. retailers cut.  It's being sold at a loss.


-3DS XL is $199.  Nintendo has reported that they make about 20 bucks on each one sold.

You could sell Ferraris worth $100,000 for $90,000 and I could sell lemonade for 25 cents a cup, who is really making more money? Me.


Nintendo has plenty of hope things will get better, all the money is in software sales and Nintendo has heavy duty software coming this year.   What software does Sony have coming that will make them any money at all.  Infamous Second Son?   The first 2 sold an average of 2 million each and that was with one of them being a pack in game.   Driveclub?  Hell NO.  GT6 has barely cracked 2 million.  Forza 5 just hit 1 million this week.  Driveclub is going to be a mega fail just because it is a racing game.   Sony has nothing else announced for PS4 this year (yet).

You need to read what other people write. No one makes money on a freshly launched console, not even Nintendo. And even after some time when they don't lose money on it anymore the profit is miniscule compared to the software sales. Tell me who will sell more software when PS4 reaches the 50 million mark while Nintendo struggles to get to the 20.

You're thinking very short term, also not at all.

You left out the Order this year and Uncharted on the horizon. And apparently 3rd party games don't make money for console manufacturers. Well they don't for Nintendo consoles but they do for everyone else.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.