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Sevengen said:
I think it shows a real lack of forward thinking when people keep referring to Xbox One's Kinect as a peripheral.
It isn't.
It's an alternative controller that Microsoft decided to build there system around, something, as other posters have already stated, helps define the Xbox One and separate it from it's competitors.
For the most part, it seems the only people complaining about it are the anti-Microsoft crowd, devoted PS4 fans with a bashing agenda, and gamers that can't seem to wrap their head around the fact that it's not a peripheral and use its inclusion as a way to bitch about price.
While the PS4 is inarguably more powerful on the stat sheet and has seen that difference parlayed into countless threads about better resolutions and frame rates, the Xbox One, as is, can do things the PS4 simply can't.
I'm more than willing to sacrifice a mere 180 lines of pixels and a few dozen frames per second, both technical specs that are negligible when the differences of measurement or so small, for a console that gives me advantages and user experiences the others don't have.
The PS4 is the more powerful, less expensive machine; the Xbox One is the more interesting and forward thinking alternative.
Price or innovation?
Innovation always wins in the long run.. would you be reading this on your tablet or smartphone if it didn't?

PS4 can do things the xbox one cant with Vita, Move Controls, TouchPad, accelerometres but there all either cheap or optional, i.e. no risk, Kinect is a big risk and so far is just inflating the price tag for no good reason. 

If they can bring the games then great but they need to do it soon, before theyve lost too much market share. And whatever happens they need to cut $100 even if it means taking a loss, consoles wont shift at that price.