JoeTheBro said:
Wh1pL4shL1ve_007 said:
chris_wing said:
Dr.EisDrachenJaeger said:
The 2013 games pretty much look like the next gen versions in all honesty
Have you seen AC4 on WiiU compared to the Xbone?
I like this comparrison myself, it shows that the effects, geometry, draw distance is virtually identical but...
"The biggest issue with the Wii U version is its lacklustre performance level, the game visibly struggling even to match the inconsistent update of the Xbox 360 and PS3 versions of the game."
Yeah well the OP apparently missed this.
So you think the Wii U is weaker than PS360?
i can get better performing/looking versions of multiplatform games on 360/ps3, and ps3/360 exclusives still look graphically better then anything wiiu has out so far, even after a whole year and probably for 2014 as well, you can look at the specs comparisons on wiiu/360/ps3 and the wiiu fits right in with 7th gen hardwarw wise.