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yes absolutely.

The movie industry shows us how to do it  they price the movies so low everyone can buy them there is no hurdle like a high price. And if you buy a shitty one you also dont feel burned that bad because it was just 10 bucks.

And since gaming became even more mainstream than movies and alot of games now have 5h campaigns etc selling games for 10 bucks should be enough. (obviously does not apply for great games with 20h - 80h of gameplay etc) We will never go back to developers making games for gamers instead of mainstreamers so pricing the "games" accordingly would just be fair.

I mean you can buy a single song for a few cents or buy a full album for 20bucks or whatever why does the game industry insist on having unified prices for titles of different size/quality etc? It is either 60bucks or indie. Does not make sense