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I don't have a problem with people hating on one system as long as they do it in a different forum than one designated for the console they dislike. The problem is trolling fanboys. Those who hate a game but can't resist coming in a thread about it and leaving some negative, disrespectful, flame bait comment. You have those who start blatant troll threads and the worst ones who pretend to be objective but clearly are trolling and then when people shout them down they claim their opposition are fanboys because of it. They then complain we can't have conversations anymore because the"fanboys" will get mad if you say "anything" negative about their console. You know, typical spin. The problem is people think their opinions are fact. Also these people don't stay in the forums for their console(s) of choice. You can't bring up a thread about what games you're looking forward to for a specific console without some troll purposely throwing in something about another system. Then you have the guys who claim they're not trolling, you just don't like opinions that differ from yours. (may be true for me and probably some other people on certain subjects but usually in that case they are just talking crap). The problem is they're annoying people who desperately seek attention and usually are banned from certain sites.