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To a certain extent this thread reminds me of the thread we had yesterday "Why don't they make every ds game 3d." where the answer "because not every game needs to be in 3D" was not accepted by some people ...

There are some people who argue "All things being equal, everyone would choose to play a game with 'better' graphics" which is true but misses the core point that all things are not equal; the move towards advanced graphics in recent years has come at the cost of shorter and more generic games, higher development costs, and longer development cycles which have massive delays. At the same time you have to ask what value these advanced graphics are brining into games; the lack of advanced graphics did not hurt Mario Galaxy, Super Smash Bros. Brawl, The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess being that they received critical acclaim aswell as massive comercial success.

There are some people who argue "Wii fans only argue about graphics being unimportant because they favour the Wii; they used to be all about the graphics durring the N64/Gamecube days" without ever considering that in earlier generations processing power made more of a difference, and the lack of success of the N64 and Gamecube may have impacted a lot of gamers view of this; the jump from the N64 to Gamecube was massive being that you now had full facial animation producing more realistic characters, the capability to have physics engines which allowed every object in the world to be manipulated, AI which could be scripted to do just about anything in the developers imagination, and large detailed worlds that didn't require a tutorial to understand what a mail-box looks like. Many Gamecube fans owned PS2 systems in the previous generation as well, and they started to realise that even though the Gamecube could produce far better graphics this did not make the PS2 games they played any worse.