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If you look at Nintendo's May --> December lineup, it's pretty weak. It makes no sense at all for them to then release two of their 3 biggest franchises in March and April. They HAVE to have something huge coming, or they would have held off Mario Kart for another couple of months. I could be wrong, but I don't think Animal Crossing, FZero or Star Fox fits that bill.

What's that leave?

 Bringing back an old franchise would be interesting, but Donkey Kong seems to be the only sure fire hit. Pilot Wings or Icarus would be bigger gambles, and I don't think would be "must haves" for gamers.

Pokemon, Zelda and Mario? Could be. Zelda'd be the most likely as Mario just had his release, and Pokemon is only "must have" on hand helds.

Nintendogs? Could be massive, but very much a casual thing, and I don't think that's the type of "gamer" Reggie meant.

 Could be something totally new, in which case it would have to be truly awesome.