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Legend11 said:
The Ghost of RubangB said:
Oh, and @Legend11's Nintendo fan stereotyping... I make the graphics argument for the 4th generation, but I don't for the 6th generation. By the time the Cube came out, I stopped caring about graphics entirely. I didn't even have a Cube. I played StarCraft for that whole generation. I almost majored in StarCraft, actually.

Here's the thing. Most of the people making threads like this are Nintendo fans. And what I find interesting is if graphics really are unimportant or holding back games why aren't 360 and PS3 fans making such threads? Surely the people playing the games with the very graphics in question should be the ones to complain if they feel that the games on those systems are inferior to the ones from last generation. Surely there must be at least a few honest ones that would say "Hey the games this generation really suck compared to last generation" if that were the case. Yet I don't see that happening.

You mean people like me? I think standards have fallen signifficantly this generation for gameplay and content. It's now acceptible for single player modes (even in single-player only games) to be under 10 hours, and some of the worst AI I've ever seen has been this generation (wave to your fans Assassin's Creed), and we eat up everything developers tell us as original, even when it's rehashed (High Bioshock, Mass Effect).

Honestly I think to this point high graphics games this generation (on average) have been pathetic. Thank god for Valve is all I can say.