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_crazy_man_ said:

Well if you put it that way then I guess LFR did kill that aspect of the community. Though I'd rather not have to go back to spending an hour looking for a group in trade then waiting to travel then summon everyone to the instance.

I'd agree with that, but it's just an unfortunate by-product of what they set out to achieve.  They set out to make QoL better in WoW, which they did, but in the process ended up killing the feeling of community in the game.

In summoning people to the instance, you'd end up spending time talking in party; organizing who was going to go; what dungeon you thought you were all geared enough to run.  And you'd have to communicate in early dungeons (fucking Shadow Labs).  Now, you pop in instantly after the queue finds a match and bomb through it in 20 minutes or so.

It's a much more modern, user-friendly technique.  And it's a lot more disconnected.