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If the controls don't improve the gameplay experience, they're called "tacked on." Why is it that when graphics don't improve the gameplay experience, they're not called "tacked on?" I could just as easily call any PS360 game a game with gimped controls and tacked on graphics.

If a game has the best graphics in the world but bad gameplay, it sucks.
If a game has the best gameplay in the world but bad graphics, it's most likely the greatest game ever made.

They can improve the graphics in the sequel. Ha!


Thanks. My arch-nemesis fkusumot, came up with it in his tag thread based on my Bowie fetish and my recent engagement. Yeah it's hard to argue with somebody with your avatar.

Well, if you're in the same "loose definitions of art club" as I am, then we really can't argue about art at all, because anything you want to call art is immediately art. Game graphics are definitely an art form on their own, as is game music composition and everything else. I have some favorite game looks and some favorite game sounds, and some favorite gameplay styles, and it's very rare for them all to combine so perfectly into the perfect game.

The only examples I can think of for games that I truly love to play, see, and hear, would be Mario games and Katamari games. Two of my favorite game designers with two of my favorite game composers, and the graphics are just right for both those series. I could play Marios and Katamaris forever.

I'd almost say the same for Portal, but it only had one song, haha.