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Sky Render said:
They really should make Microeconomics a required course. There's a lot of things that go into how things sell or don't sell, and a great deal of it seems like common sense to those of us who get economic theory, but I know that most people don't get it. This lack of knowledge is often preyed upon by corporations, upsetting economic balance in their favor and defeating the market mechanism's purpose of giving consumers and suppliers both a say in how the market adapts. Were microeconomics a mandatory course as early as high school, arguments such as "piracy is killing the music/game/movie industry" would never hold water with the majority.

 What about piracy of PC games? You talk about proper training to pay for the things you want, but isn't PC piracy ridiculously high as well? I too think an economics course of some kind should be required, I don't know much about it myself. But I do have a feeling with as easy as it is to pirate on the PC and PSP, it's affecting the sales of both to some extent. I'm not saying it's killing the market or anything, but I think the sales would be higher if piracy wasn't a factor.

PSN: Lone_Canis_Lupus