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reggin_bolas said:
I never understand why people like to compare handhelds with stationary consoles.

But anyway, I can personally attest to the theory that many 360 owners jumped shit this gen because I am one of them. I was pretty certain I was just going to get the next Xbox because of my huge investment in the 360. I had close to 100,000 gamescore points and they were going to carry over.

But that changed with that disasterous Pre E3 reveal. I honestly think this DRM fiasco has had a deep impact on sales. Many people just don't trust MS after it. I certainly don't. They basically announced that XB1 was going to be less of a gamer machine.

And honestly? It is less of a gamer machine than the PS4. No emphasis on single-player blockbusters like Sony. Inferior specs, kinect (cancer), and all this emphasis on multiplayers and shooters, and cable tv.

So yeah, people who owned the 360 are flocking to the PS4 in droves. That's why you'll see a huge a sale differential this gen like the one with PS2. Ms killed their brand.

This for the most part ...