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Mr Puggsly said:
fatslob-:O said:
Mr Puggsly said:
wick said:
Mr Puggsly said:

We already know what's stealing X1 sales, the price. Its deterring Xbox 360 fans from upgrading.

I know a heap of Xbox360 fans who have already upgraded.


To a PS4.

Oh yeah, that makes sense. Everyone who owned a 360 now owns a PS4.

Thanks for your anecdotal evidence.

He said a heap and this months NPD report just further proves his claims.

Sony said 60% of PS4 owners have a Vita?

Assuming that's true, that's an indication most avid Sony fans are buying the PS4.

Still doesn't make your case any better. January is where all the hype has died down so NPD numbers for this month still a valid evidence for his claims.