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Soleron said:

He's a troll and has been for years. Using your popularity to raise money for charity doesn't make you a better person.

Definitely not a hero.

If you want to give to charity, go and do it. No need to broadcast to everyone how wonderfully selfless you are.

If you enjoy video games, just play them. No need to broadcast to everyone you're part of some special labelled group called "gamers".

Ofcourse he is a troll, a lot of trolls are loved on the internet (see all those Xbox one shut off COD matches etc) but that is the internet and his persona..

He is one of those internet guys that simply could turn of his account and live a life with plenty of money but instead he choose to create entertainment for others, create charity events and best of all influence gamers to do so aswell...

If being a troll or an asshole on the internet can raise millions of dollars to charity than he is a really good asshole in my book..