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Personally, I think this is generally true because of how age changes how you see time and technological advancement ... In other words age gives you perspective

A 15 year old gamer (as an example) likely only has ever really played videogames for the N64/Playstation and Dreamcast/PS2/Gamecube/XBox generations; this means that the N64 and Playstation are seen as ancient technology and the XBox 360 or PS3 are huge advancements over everything that has come before. On top of all of this a (5 year) generation seems like a very long time which impacts how old the Dreamcast, PS2, Gamecube and XBox seem ...

In contrast a 30 year old gamer may have played through the Atari/Intelivision/Colecovision, NES, SNES/Genesis, N64/Playstation, and Dreamcast/PS2/Gamecube/XBox generations and when he/she looks at how far the Dreamcast/PS2/GAmecube/XBox is to the Atari they started with the previous generation consoles still look very good.