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I'm having trouble remembering my history of getting impressed with graphics. I've always been a very low budget gamer, as a kid playing what I could get my parents to buy me (or pirate/borrow from friends), and more recently getting used stuff as cheap as I can.

The point of this is that I've absolutely never been on the cutting edge of visual technology. Even though I own a current gen console, it's no secret that impressive visuals on the Wii are going to achieved by imagination, not horsepower.

The leap in graphics every time I got a new computer (1996ish, 2000, 2004, later this year hopefully) was huge, but by then I had been seeing the awesome new graphics on TV and in magazines for years. I had the occasional "wow-experience" after getting back into consoles on my Gamecube, quite a few more on my Xbox, and even a few on my PS2, but they were never enough to make me play through a game I didn't like (never got into Starfox Adventure, Chronicles of Riddick, or Final Fantasy 12..).

Wait, what was the point here again? Oh yeah umm... looks to me like we still get impressed with graphics, heck the HD consoles have impressed me plenty already, but we definitely get disillusioned a lot faster if the game turns out to be shit with a sugar coating. I for one have far too large a backlog of quality games waiting for me (still haven't finished Galaxy or Zack&Wiki...) to waste time on a game that's strongest point is the graphics.