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binary solo said:
small44 said:
osed125 said:
small44 said:

I don't agree that people who buy a last gen console and didn't buy a next gen console goes to smartphone,smartphone introduce a new model create very simple games   with a really low price the creation of this model create a new genre of gamers ,those gamers had never get a console and will never get one they will never accept to pay 40 dollars and console gamers will never stop buying console game and play only smartphone games.

Seriously do you thing people will stop playing call of duty game or god of war and strat playing Angry bird.

Those people will get older and won't play games anymore. However the newer generations definitely will play, and prefer, Angry Birds over Call of Duty and other AAA games. Don't feel like writing it down all over again, so here is how I imagine gaming in 10 years or so

I believe smartphones games and consoles games will cohabitate console will not be dead somes kids will prefer to buy smartphones games some will prefer to buy consoles games.

Not dead, no, but expectations need to be moderated. Because there are other options for kids, and some kids who would have bought a console in past decades will buy tablet or smartphone instead it means consoles will shrink this generation and only grow modestly in future generations (if there are any more consoles of the type we have now. I think in soe ways the traditional game console is doomed, if not 9th gen then 10th gen. And we will be gaming through something that doesn't resemble the consoles of the '90s, '00s, and '10s .

For me moderate expectation is that consoles will still sell as well as it is now if it get the good support,high expectation is if consoles will stiill growing every generation.

You said kids who would buy a console will buy a smartphone instead that mean he never bought a console  before that proof console will not grow but will not shrink severely.

Like i said people are different taste said all people will because smartphone gamers because it's  cheap is just like all people will take the jobs that pay the most.

PS4 - over 100 millions let's say 120m
Xbox One - 70m
Wii U - 25m

Vita - 15m if it will not get Final Fantasy Kingdoms Heart and Monster Hunter 20m otherwise
3DS - 80m