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Carl2291 said:
Justagamer said:

So according to joethebro, you're directing the ignorant jab at me? Because I don't jump at the chance to beleive everyone from the almighty neo gaf?! Ok. First you blow kisses at submarine, then go on a long spiel about high horses and ignorance. And you are "in the know" simply because you believe submarine and creamofwheat's leaks? Alright, the only one on a high horse here is you, and to look even more rediculous first you are kissing submarines ass, then at the end  you turn on her/him like a rabid dog.  Yet I'm the ignorant one, because I don't drink the  kool aid that coffeecream and submarine are serving. I choose to question leaks, that's my prerogative, you really don't have to talk crap. When the real numbers come out, I'll beleive them. Until then, you can ........ Have a good one.

Do you even know what it means to be ignorant? Its not a jab. Dont take it so personally.

Aquamarines leaks are legit. They deserve respect for a) having the balls to leak the numbers and b) actually posting them on a forum when people ask. I appreciate that, though it doesnt mean I need to sit around and let them badmouth the site I visit daily. 

Justagamer said:

I won't say what I think you are, but that is one thing I DEFINATELY got right.

and I still have doubts, but it's great that you attend their church. I really don't get why guys like you practically burst into tears when someone questions something. It's human nature to be skeptical, to question anything and everything. I don't just beleive everything some fool tells me to. When IM convinced, then I'll beleive these leakers. Until then, I'll wait until they've been confirmed. I really don't need some jerk to go postal about it and throw around insults, no matter how much is like to do the same right now.

... Burst into tears? I only called you ignorant on the matter.

That said, you yourself eventually figured out - - that the leaks were coming from verified sources.

Again, to calling someone ignorant isnt insulting. You clearly dont know what the word means. It means that youre lacking knowledge. You were lacking knowledge regarding the leaks. You were ignorant about it. Thats a fact. Dont have a pissy fit about it and dont start calling people jerks.

Justagamer said:
Wow, so since I don't just believe everything like a gullible child, many if you are going to come at me like this, huh? Wow.... Very disappointed right now.... Gang mentality much? Seriously, you are getting defensive simply because I don't believe leaks right away?! That speaks volumes of the character of some....

Nobody is "coming at you". Nobody is being defensive, other than yourself.

Step away. Calm down. Come back with a clear head and re-read everything. Nobody is insulting you, nobody is ganging up on you.

Edit - 

Justagamer said:

how about you guys help me here? Some one show some leaks, and the corresponding npd data, that will go along way to making me see they are trustworthy. I just have to see it to beleive it. Aren't the rest of you the same way? So please, show me some info, so I can get onboard, because it would go a long way. 

There is no corresponding NPD data released, which is why we have to rely on leaks from people such as Aquamarine.

On GAF, the mods verify that the people who leak things are legit, from sales leaks to game leaks to things such as E3 leaks. If they are found to be bullshitters, they are banned. Simple as that.

Aquamarine has legit numbers.

This is in regards to the last part of there not being any corresponding data. I understand that gaf  verifies users and their information. But what makes me a skeptic, is guys like misterxmedia( I think that's his name) isn't he a gaffer? Isn't he verified?(I'm asking because I don't know), and isn't that guy completely full of crap like 99% of the time? Answering that would help me understand gaf a bit better. If he is still a gaffer, and he is comstantly wrong, don't they lose credibility? I've only been a lurker here, and only just recently  started reading about guys like this. So if they still stand behind a guy like this xmedia, that's why I am skeptical of anything coming from gaf... Maybe some can shed some light on this?