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Hell yes!

Here's a few reasons why:

1. It's bright! I'm so damn sick of dark and gloomy looking FPS games--you shouldn't wish to have a damn flashlight in the game!

2. It has a STORY! FPS stories are jokes now days--not Haze. 36 QUALITY PROFESSIONAL voice actors, 1,000 pages of script, and you start out fighting against the rebels and have a change of heart and join them---SCREAMS epic for an FPS!

3. The idea of nector making you a "super soldier" is cool, but the fact that too much makes you go beserk and kill your own teammates is bad ass! Like a confusion spell in Final Fantasy.

4. I love the art direction (already mentioned the brightness and tropical environments, etc.) but also the elite soldiers vs. the mountain jacks...the vehicles, etc.

5. Steal a gun from your enemy and kill him with it--classic.

6. The biggest reason--CO-OP SPLITSCREEN! Recent games like CoD4 & UT3 have been RUINED for me because of lazy developers thinking they can skip this standard feature of FPS games. Um, sorry...I don't enjoy playing FPS games by myself like a nerd. I like having people over to play co-op with me!

7. Free Radical...enough said. They haven't disappointed in the past. Even with the haters, I don't expect them to now.

PSN ID: Sorrow880

Gamertag: Sorrow80

Wii #: 8132 1076 3416 7450