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I love resistance. It's great. One of the best games i've ever played. I've played halo, halo 2 and cod4 and I don't like them nearly as much as I do resistance. If you don't like it's just not for you. Everybody won't think it's good. No big deal (I don't care about resident evil, gran turismo or final fantasy which i'm sure lots of people love). I love the slow down with the sniper rifle, the rag dolls, the hedgehoge and backlash grenades, I love the slow parts that work to scare you, the auger and mostly the hailstrom guns, gunning down various chimera (with the carbine or tagging them with the bulleyes) and a stalker here and there, the mine trappers, shooting those explosive energy circle things (don't remember the name), running over chimera in my jeep thing, burning them alive with gas grenades, the feel of the game. Just everything. I'm sure you're not the first person to go meh and won't be the last though I can't understand it and think the opposite. To add I got this in october 2007 and have played through it four times.