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DSLover said:
I have never considered graphics important. Wii level graphics are fine, anything is else is just extravagant and indulgent imho.

While I would include myself in the category of those who have graphics on the lower end or teir gaming priorities, I think your argument is naive.

A standard has been set every generation of gaming, but it is only now that we have had such a large discrepancy. I belive that the standard was set by both Sony and Microsoft and that it was Nintendo who broke from the moud to create something different. Developers, including Nintendo, are fully capable of making 'Resistance'-quality graphics (good, but not outrageous) without stretching their resouces too thin. Of course, I don't mean in the instance of games that just don't justify this level of graphics (i.e. Disgaea or Wii Sports) but Mario Galaxy or Zelda:TP could very well use it. Don't get me wrong, I now own a Wii, and think Galaxy is a good looking game and it is certainly good enough to pass as a 7th gen game, but it certainly isn't the standard of what the graphics are this gen.

Heh, sorry if I had read too much into your post, and I honestly didn't mean to just respond to one person, but many here act as if liking a game more, simply for aesthetics, is an invalid opinion. It just bugs me how some, primarily those who purchased a Wii as their console of choice, bought a console that is distinctly different than the others and adopt the view that anything 'more' than what they bought is "indulgent" or "extravegant".