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Legend11 said:
I'm always impressed when there's a game that surprises you by how good looking it is compared to other games in it's genre in the past.

What I do find annoying though is that I remember during the SNES days seeing many Nintendo fans putting down the Genesis because of it's graphics and now with the Wii suddenly some are trying to convince everyone that "graphics don't really matter". Bull... And it's not just graphics that the more powerful machines have, it's the ability to have better AI and Physics as well as better graphics.

I have no doubts that if the Wii was as powerful as the 360 and PS3 that some of it's fans would be posting comparison pictures, gushing over graphics, etc, just like people do on other systems.

 Genesis games always looked like crap.  They could have bigger sprites, which they advertised as "a real home arcade experience!" because arcade games always had huge sprites.  SNES had workarounds where an enemy would look huge, but it would mostly be the background, and the sprite would be just the weak point you target for massive damage.  And... Blast Processing was a hoax.  And SNES had Mode 7, which made Super Mario Kart possible only on the SNES, and allowed for some amazing animations in Castlevania 4, Yoshi's Island, and countless others.  And Genesis never had anything that looked half as good as Donkey Kong Country.

 I can say all this while saying graphics don't matter because... graphics don't matter.  It didn't stop me from playing the hell out of Sonic Spinball and Gunstar Heroes, and it didn't stop me from playing some really ugly games on the SNES or any other system.  Hell, I play roguelikes.

And don't get me started on Kutaragi's magic sound chip for the SNES which allowed the magical OST of FFVI to take over my playlist forever.


That was back when it was a jump from NES to either SNES or Genesis, and the differences in that jump were pretty big.  A quick glance at Wikipedia tells me NES had 48 colors, Genesis had 512 colors (or up to 1,536 with some trickery), and SNES had 32,768 colors.  Those are differences anybody can notice.  We're at a point where the Wii has 345,600 pixels and the PS360 have 2,073,600 pixels.  The difference in numbers is huge, but the difference to the human eye is not half as big as the jump from 1,500 colors to 32,000 colors.  Jumping from 6th gen to 7th gen is such a small pointless jump.  I'd be happy with 6th gen power and a Wii remote.  Graphics aren't really changing enough anymore for me to care.  They're good enough for me now. 

Now what I want out of games is more characters, more stages, more items, more music, ya know, things I can actually use, and that's where Brawl came in...