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Let's break this down a bit.

1. Post holiday is traditionally the weakest time of the year for game and hardware sales. No one really wants to release premier games in Jan/Feb and for good reason.

2. The Wii U isn't suffering from the inevitable post launch software drought. It has a year plus back catalog to support hardware sales.

3. There is currently nothing to spur sales of the XB1 until Titanfall releases. This is the most debatable statement, but the key thing that moves new hardware in the absence of new or killer app software is consumer perceptions of limited supply relative to demand. The XB1 does not have this going for it no matter how much MS PR guys would like to spin it. The XB1 is available everywhere they are sold.

Essentially, the XB1 is suffering from almost the exact same problems as the PS3 back in Jan/Feb '07. Overpriced, relative to the competition, with not enough compelling software to currently justify the added cost.

One thing has panned out for the post launch assessment; it's clear the PS4 has taken the initiative. Many, including myself said "wait and see until Q2 '14 to see how the initial sales trends pan out to make a first assessment of how the 8th gen is shaping up." The next major marker will be holiday season '14 to see what, if anything has changed or if there is some sort of unexpected parity shift that occurs due to unforeseen events (price drop, killer app release, major announcement, etc.).

So, now is really not the time for any doomsaying or Uh Oh! statements or assessments. The XB1 should see some upticks in hardware sales with the release of major titles leading up to the holiday season. Titanfall is a big marker. If it doesn't move a significant amount of hardware, that's something to note.