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If this thread is actually meant to be an unbiased comparison meant to show which system has a better library (this year at least)... you should do a few things...

1. Games should be weighted by price. In general, standards are lower for a downloadable game. We don't expect the graphical polish, length, audio quality, or story quality from downloadable games as we do from retail. Downloadable titles CAN have these things but can score very highly without them.

To put it simply, what would games like Harmoknight or Octodad have scored if they were $40-60 retail products? We expect less enjoyment out of downloadable titles, and rate them accordingly.

2. Games should not deduct points even if they get a 0. It's not like a bad game somehow diminishes the quality of a system's library. If a game is bad, you don't play it. It won't bite you.

3. Weight should be given to exclusives. If I need a certain system to play a game, that improves the value of the system on the whole.

Basically, by making no distinction between downloadable and non-downloadable, or exclusive and non-exclusive, the ratings system skews heavily towards the Vita for which Sony has courted indies in an attempt to plug holes in the retail lineup.