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Aerys said:
kowenicki said:
Turkish said:
Stop posting crap from thuway, Titanfall 1 exclusivity is locked forever, its not gonna come out 5 years later on the PS4, not worth it. That said, its obvious Sony is trying to get TF2 on PS4

I'm still trying to work out how a med student is an "industry insider"

Smells like Walter Mitty to me... attention seeker.

No need to work in the industry to be an insider ( i dont think FamousMOrtimer works in the industry), you just need to have a good friend working at MS/Sony/...


and Walter Mitty is a good movie.

He find out and befriended some gaf members who are in the industry, he gets their info through pm's and skype chats(I know that he has a contact from EA and one from Sony's 1st party studios(california based) ), what an "insider". He was wrong on multiple occassions, the last notable being Persona 5 announcement on PS4 for which he was banned for and got his "speaks the truth" tag taken away. Most of what this guy says needs not to be taken seriously, 1/3 may be actual insider info, 1/3 hopes and dreams ie. P5 PS4, 1/3 opinions like on this headline. If Sony is trying hard to get Titanfall, why would a petition and making your voice heard to Sony matter? It's not like they're gonna shove a couple extra millions in EA's face just because of some people on the internet, money they could easily put into their own studios.