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Early viewpoints from playing the game:

Well documented problem of AI with the bots. Besides being dumb I feel its pretty tough to distinguish from a distance between the bot types and even between bots and players at times. Personally I would prefer no bots and higher player counts, but as thats not likely they need a good boost in smarts. As of now they really drag the gameplay down, and make it look/feel repetitive and boring at times. You can literally run into a room of 5-6 of them and go one-by-one melee (they die in one melee strike) and suffer very little damage in the process.

Graphics: Good, but nothing amazing or overly impressive. I expected a little better I suppose. Some cool animations, and some under executed ones. The one that still drives me crazy in many games is the being shot from the back and die backwards or vice-versa occurs a little too much here. Was also hoping for a little bit of destructible environment, but so far I have not seen any.

Frame-rate: Only a few minor hiccups which is typical of a beta. Noticeable when it happens, but I've seen worse in betas. Hopefully clean by final build.

Recoil: Virtually little to no recoil on the guns. Everyone has their own opinion on this, for me personally its a pretty big buzzkill. Kinda cheapens the combat for me and makes it too easy.

Weapon balance: No major complaints. The usual shotgun in close prox. is strong, but as expected (people will still complain). The smart pistol I cannot decide if I like or hate it. Its overly strong, but the balance is you are pretty weak and will lose most head-on 1v1 with it. But the already easy bots are even dumber with this, and there are times where it takes no skill to kill another player with it.

Invisibility suit: Besides the bots probably my second biggest complaint of the game. Me personally I hate them in FPS games, and from my experience so far it is no exception now. Its just leads to bad gameplay in my opinion. With invis, the AI bots, and no recoil I see the pro crowd not gravitating towards this game as they may view it as more of an arcade style game and not a professional style.

Titan balance: Did not seem too strong to me. Possible perks up the lvls may improve on this, and there are other titan classes not played. But so far they seem almost too easy to be killed in. Would have liked to see more options such as a mech support or whatnot to add more strategies.

Overall: Good game, nothing great so far. No doubt provides some fun and cool moments. In my opinion there are some major design aspects the devs took that I personally think are missteps, but are unlikely to change. Game I feel I would probably purchase, maybe not day 1, to kill some hours here and there for some fun. I do not envision myself being highly involved or doing long playtimes as the gameplay gets stale after a few hours to me. I know they wanted to focus on multiplayer to make it shine, but the lack of story is another downfall to me personally. Hopefully they have stuff in the final build or from web sources to try and fill that in, but it really leaves you sorta disconnected from the action and not understanding why this is what it is.

I'd say like a 7.5 / 10 for the beta thus far. I will see how the final build shakes out.