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Brawl Name - EZ
Wii Code - 3643-2773-2555-3543
Brawl Code - 3437-2819-4358
Skill - Mid-level

Battlemode - I prefer stock (3-7 lives), items can be on or off (doesn't matter to me)

Vs Number - Any number is fine

Characters - I tend to play with blue Pit, normal Metaknight, blue Ike or normal Sonic

Stages - Any stage is fine for me, except super large ones, like New Pork City

Intrests - I play more for fun than winning. I don't mind losing a 100 times to somebody, and I don't mind beating someone a 100 times. Either I learn something and improve by losing, or someone else learns something and's a win-win in my mind.

Other players - Shouldn't be anyone else on, unless I have a friend over, and we decide to go online (most likely won't since we'll try and unlock things).