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I've been a gamer for like ...18 years ( since i was 5 ) and i think that at least for me .... since i've been playing games for that long ... graphics aren't the most important thing for me in a game ... i still play with my friends a lot of games on the NES, SNES Genesis and other old consoles ... and also a lot of newer games. I think this fact helps us realize that no matter how "real life" graphics can get ... in the end they are not the best part of a game ... and that's why at least for me and many of my friends... this new amazing mage super hiper photorealistic graphics don't amaze us that much

well ... just my two cents :P

-- Live only for tomorrow, and you will have a lot of empty yesterdays today--

 Tavin:  "Old school megaman is THE BEST megaman"      courtesy of fkusumot :)

My mind has changed. My strength has not.    Kamahl, Fist of Krosa