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Realism is for photography.

I want art. I'd rather play Yoshi's Island, Katamari Damacy, or Okami than any new realistic (brown and bloom) FPS.

I have a 56" HDTV, and only a Wii hooked up to it with component cables. I bought the screen for the inches, not the pixels. I'd still like a nice black and white game if it played nice. And 2-D games still rule: Contra 4, Geometry Wars, Brawl, Super Paper Mario, etc., and we all wish Sonic would go back to 2-D anyway.

I'm 25 and I've been playing since I could move my hands. I even rocked Donkey Kong Jr. Math before I learned math. The game tricked me into thinking math was fun and turned me into the supergenius I am today.