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Lost Odyssey is a really good game. My favorite "next-gen" RPG by far (although many on the ps2 are better--not graphically though).

This game was really underestimated by reviewers that are just hardcore, shooter lovers.

The story isn't LO's strong point though--it's the character development. The story stays fairly bland and slow and "non-epic" throughout, but you learn to love the characters which more than makes up for it.

The graphics and art direction are great. Sure it has frame rate problems and often has "stutters" when loading battles, but it is still the most advanced RPG graphically by far.

My biggest complaint is that there isn't really any power-leveling (which I love to do in FF games--hence, 185 hours on FFXII). You have a cap on each stage which limits the leveling up you can do (unless you're content with 1 experience point per battle!)

Overall, if you own a 360, you need to buy this game for sure. An 8.25-8.5/10 from an RPG FREAKOID!

If you have a 360 and like JRPG's you need to buy this game. Much better than Blue Dragon in my opinion (way too childish), and I actually prefer it over Mass Effect and Oblivion too.

Note: I'm on Disc 4...could beat it, but I'm trying to get 1,000 achievement points first!


PSN ID: Sorrow880

Gamertag: Sorrow80

Wii #: 8132 1076 3416 7450