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Nope. Try again next month.

I'm glad Sony was able to pull such a great win for January. However, my thread was in response to MS buying the Gears Ip which is a big deal in the US. A lot of Xbox fans have told me this week that the gen is still early and I believe them. During the duration of this Gen, MS is gonna play hard ball in the states. Especially with the recent NPD numbers, your going to see much more desperate MS with desperate moves. To me, MS is like the Ric Flair of the gaming industry. The dirtiest player in the game as they say. They have been purposely leaking news about future projects to try and raise public perception, paying for Titanfall, paying anyone on youtube to say positive things about X1, spending 100 million on Gears IP.

When Greenberg was asked on Twitter about the $399.99 price drop leak, he replied with the ol Kevin Butler line from the Sony $299.99 price drop commercial. "You can't believe everything you read on the internet".   You can bet your ass MS is working right this minute on plans to either remove the disc tray or Kinect and lower the price to $399.99. When people talk about the game industry and the pay to win model, they're not talking about a specific game, they're talking about MS. They will take the US this gen overall, that I am sure of.