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I've been gaming on computer since I was 4 (1989) and consoles since this generation. I find better graphics to be good, but we have reached the stage now where it's artistic expression that really distinguishes a game. Games like Bioshock, Halo 1 (For the bright colourful art work), GT5 - Artwork is realism and immersion. Lost Odyssey etc. I think over time I have become less tolerant of bad artwork, and I feel that good graphics is only good if it complements the same attention to art style. I find I get sucked into a game now, that has good art work. When you've seen the same corridor a million times, the same gun... The same badly textured road, it gets old. I want to see something new! Not just the same @$#% as always.

I look to studios that make good art as well as good technology. I still play a lot of games when I can, it's just that some games don't interest me so much anymore. You can say that games are becoming more subjective though, when everything was generic... it's hard to offend people! Bioshock rocks... I actually haven't finished it. I decided to wait for a new GFX card.
