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On a personal level, not that frustrating for me. I game across 3DS, Wii U and 360 and will have plenty to play, and I won't have much time to play because of what I'm up to in my PhD. However, the three month gap between DK and Kart is frustrating because it guarantees Wii U will continue to be a commercial embarrassment for Nintendo.It means fewer people will buy the excellent software on Wii U, and it means Nintendo's reputation will continue to get dragged through the mud. It is very damaging in the long-term. When they launch their new hardware they need the best buzz they can have; they don't need people holding off because Wii U failed and because Nintendo failed to support Wii U when it needed it. Nintendo need to give Wii U the best support they can possibly manage, and right now, they don't seem to be doing that. On that level, it's very disappointing.