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ioi said:
Noobie said:

Thanks for the detailed response. But i think my point was something a bit different. I am not talking about how the future will play out or how the PS4 will perform 2 - 3 years from now.. or will the VITA sell suddenly 15m this calendar year.. I was simply asking what is the confidence level you have on your numbers.? Just like most election surveys, give you an estimate of what will be the result with some degree of confidence and most of the time they are now pretty accurate. 

I got my interest in video game sales data from this website. This is the first website which introduced me to hits and misses of video games. But now i feel that  his website has started lagging. I am not sure how you calculate your estimates but i believe it definitely needed some improvement. I wish it return to its glory days and serve the gaming community even better. 

Our data is more accurate today than it ever has been in the past - we have more sources, more servers, more people working on it and more experience that ever before. It certainly isn't "lagging"!

It is because of NPD result like of Jan that i feel that VGC data is not based on actual sample to calculate. I have noticed it regularly that when ever there is a sudden explosive sales or massive down in sales VGC fails to identify it correctly.. X360, XBO , 3DS, Wii U all suddenly collapsed in sales and VGC estimated them just like Normal Dec -> Jan drop.. it was okay for PS4 & PS3 numbers.. because normally sales drop 80% for an old system like PS3 and around 60 - 70% for a supply constrained system... But X360 and 3DS and other collapsed 90% or more.. and VGC didnt estimated them correctly