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Michael-5 said:

Is this really a drought? WiiU fans got Super Mario 3D Worlds in December, Donkey Kong 2 months later in February, and Mario Kart will release 3 months later in May.

XBO has Titanfall, which isn't really an exclusive in March, and nothing till Fall, and PS4 is in the same boat with InFamous.

So WiiU not getting Mario Kart for 3 months, is actually fine. This means that after March the only game to look forward to on all consoles before the Holidays will be Mario Kart. Then after that WiiU owners will have a fresher game to enjoy while PS4/XBO fans suffer a drought.

Mario Kart is the only game to look forward? mmm...

Driveclub, destiny, thief, dying light, the order 1886, deep down, TESO(I still believe it can be good), watchdogs(earlier than wii u) and Infamous.  Thats for ps4, I don't know what games are coming to Xbox one