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I thought the direct was good, but I suppose you gaming people like it if it had these two things.

1. announce the direct 2-3 weeks ago so you guys can randomly speculate and hype for no damn reason
2. just announce some games title like "Agent" so you guys can again randomly speculate and hype for no damn reason.

Funny how some people are now less hyped for X. Obvioulsy these people have not played the prior games at all.

Oh and for the Droughters out there. Nintendo is basically 100% self reliant. They have like 0 3rd party support at all. Can't expect them to have a AAA blockbuster game for every month of the year now can you?

I would say having DK and MK both by end of May in 2014 is pretty solid for ONE company. Not to mention what else will come out in 2014 from NINTENDO ALONE.