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Try taking the perspective of an average gamer, the sort who makes up the greater part of the game-buying populous. To them, graphical power means nothing. They don't buy games to be awed at how real they are, or how well-polished their style is; they buy games to have fun, plain and simple. Games to an average gamer are a diversion, not a lifestyle. Something to do when bored or stressed out to relieve the boredom or stress. And to an average gamer, gaming is easily replaced with any number of other stress-reducers and boredom-alleviators, like reading, TV, movies, exercise, etc.

From that perspective, the Wii looks like the coolest thing ever. The whole "gimmick" argument falls on deaf ears to them, because who cares if it's non-standard, it looks fun! The PS3 and 360 are equivalent to each other to an average gamer: just another pair of typical game consoles that have mostly games that are about looking pretty and animating well, and not about giving the most fun for the player's effort.

In the field of average gamers, the Wii cannot possibly lose. Simply put, it is too immersive for a pick-up-and-play gamer to favor anything else over it.

Sky Render - Sanity is for the weak.