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I didn't even know that it was going to have multiplayer. I've been wanting that since GTA3 came out. Even though I was hoping for a more MMO-like persistant world with a lot of people rather than just 16. But this will be good enough for now. Now I can't wait to get it in October/November (when the PC version will likely come out).

Crazzyman says:

"FFXIII will sell over 10 mln. don`t worry."

"FFXIII is ONLY possible on PS3.
it`s not a multiplatform, because the game is NOT possible at THIS quality on any other platform." (Posted on 7/13/08)

"SMG in best case will reach:
1.1. mln. in Japan
2 mln. in Europe
3.9 in Usa
maximaum +200k in every region. =]"