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S.T.A.G.E. said:

Can you jump eject out of your Titan cockpit and shoot ememy Titans and soliders mid descent in Transformers? Can you you stop bullets with your Transformers magnetic hand in Transformers? Can you view things from the cockpit in first person in Transformers? How are the melee kills in Tranformers compared to Titans melee kills for humans and Titans? There are no soliders in Transformers so you cannot compare those at all. What do Titans transform into? Seriously. Transformers is more akin to Gears of Warin core gameplay than it is to Titanfall. Stop comparing a TPS to an FPS.

TPS and FPS aren't that different to play. You go around and shoot stuff, the differences are in cover aspects (TF doesn't have it, so it isn't a factor here), camera and minor things. Playing one, you get better in the other because of similarities. A lot of TPS game are more similar to FPS ones that to other TPS (Uncharted is more similar to COD than to TLOU on it's multiplayer gameplay, even being from the same dev. The game flow is totally different).

I compared these games because of the scale and the battle flow that will probably be similar because both have more clunky characters (not a critic, but a giant robot isn't as agile as a human). I actually believe it will be pretty good, as Transformers is. But all the things you said above aren't massive gameplay changer features. They add, but they won't change the way the game is played, except by the possibility of going on foot vs. going with mechs, in that aspect it will be more BF like with human-vehicle interactions.