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Wonktonodi said:
ghettoglamour said:
Wonktonodi said:
Puppeteer plat! I really had fun with that game. Now I'm not sure if I want to finish Sly or try out one of the many games from plus I haven't played.

Congrats! I'm on my 1st playthrough just for fun and I can see me going for the plat. Which strategy did you use? I see there are a lot of collectibles and curtain specific trophies and I'd like to do each curtain only once more if that is possible.

How did you do it? Any useful guide or something?

some acts you will need to play a few times. There are 4 sections you need  to do without dieing but there are some collectibles that getting makes it very hard to do also the "that's using your head" can take some work because you need the right head at the right point and can't just pick heads you have already acquaired but whatever you get on the level. Heads can trasfer within an act but not between them so one act in particular gave me some trouble getting the right head or the Kutaro head.

Also the guide was missing the heads and actions for an act with a lot of heads.

after my first play through I pretty much just went through level by level with many tabs open, one for the hundredsparkels, one for the heads and one for the other puppets in the background and sometimes one for the souls I was still missing.

There isn't a very clear guide for the lost souls, but some of the toughest are in forums on the game. 

What might take the longest for you might be the 2nd player trophies. I had played seceond played for my sister when I started playing the game so I didn't have to grind for the 3,000 sparkels 50 souls and the others don't take long.

some more obvious pointers.

If you have a head you will need later in a level keep another head selected until the momemnt. If you do happen to lose the one you want. If you lose all your heads you will start with the ones you had (unless you had two of one then one of them gets replaced iirc)

when using the kutaro head for the action switch off of it fast so you don't lose it or acidentally get a new head over it if action leads to a new head or heads.


The game is a lot of fun enjoy!

Thank you for your detailed answer! What about this guide on

I think there's everything I need isn't it?

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