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benjaminwillcock said:

As a mere member of the public and not a sales analyst, do you honestly think my comments were rooted in fact and official findings? If you go back and re-read them it clearly states things from an observatory point, and my asking two sales clerks in two different stores how the sales were affected. 'Nuff said.

I find it rich that you go on about members being banned when all you do here is drift over from the Microsoft forums to contradict every single person who has a positive say on Sony and the PS3. I have run several forums in my time, so I think I know exactly the sort of behaviour that goes on. And what you are doing my friend, is called "trolling". You are clearly only here to incite dispute, if anyone ought to be banned it should be yourself. If you incite conflict and unrest, then expect to be stung. It's your own fault for doing as you do.

And you are the one repeatedly taking this thread off topic at every given opportunity. I also find your "fanboy" remarks faintly amusing. I have owned every single console this generation, as with the generations before it. I've owned a 360 Mr. Starcraft, I've been there and done that, as they say. In fact I probably had a 360 before you did. Have you owned a PS3? Until you have I feel your comments are the ones steeped in deep, affectionate "fanboy" drivel that have absolutely no foundations to stand on. I don't mind you accusing me of being a fanboy though, as it is like water off a duck's back to me. If being the owner of all platforms but preferring one over the other warrants somebody the title of fanboy, then so be it.

There's a saying I am quite fond of which seems to apply here. "He who lives in a glass house shouldn't throw stones."

Now, can you please either keep on topic or go back to your Microsoft forums if you have nothing constructive whatsoever to contribute. Thank you. I'm not going to keep arguing with you as it leads to nowhere, and just gives you further reason to stick around in this neck of the woods.

Of course I don't believe your comments (any of them) are remotely based in fact, you just presented them as such.  I have not "drifted over" from anywhere. I am free to spend as much time in the Sony forums as I do any other and do not belong to any forum in particular.  If you are unable to deal with contradiction of your hardcore, unswerving allegience to Sony, join  On a multiplatform site like this, you will actually be faced with reality, rather than a twisted distortion of actual events designed to inflate the egos of those who support the PS3 to the exclusion of other consoles.

I would point out the stupidity of your comment that I need to own a PS3 in order to have the appropriate standing to comment on it, but I'm sure the disagreement of the vast majority of site members with regard to such a comment means I don't need to bring up the rather glaring faults in your logic.

As for the glass house comment (oh so witty), I've never taken my visits of a small number of local game stores and turned them into a 'factual' analysis of 35% of the worlds gaming market, so my house is quite firmly built of bricks. 


starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS