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theprof00 said:
Kasz216 said:
Ssenkahdavic said:

60% of PS4 owners have Vitas. Well obviously they were not all purchased with it, so most had one beforehand. Not surprising really. That would be like saying "OMG ITS BAD that 60% of Xone owners also own an Xbox. Or that 60% of PS4 owners also own a PS3." This really means nothing.


I disagree, the difference with the 360 and the PS4 is... they've sold way more.  Vita's sales lead the PS4's since it launched first.... and there are so few Vita's out there, it more or less tells you that the current PS4 buyers are disporportionatly people who see Playstation as a "Lifestyle" brand.

When generally, seeing the spectucular sellouts we are now, you'd expect there to be a much higher "general gamer" mix that mostly has shunned the Vita.


A lower loyalist rate at launch is actually a better sign because it shows better base demand, as other secondary market indicators have their own issues.


That said, i'm not too concerned.   It's just funny how positive PR and things people see as positive should probably be seen as negative and vice versa.  This is just trying to push Vita... and quite honestly, if you have a PS4 and PS+... why not own one?

It probably means nothing, but if PS4 sales do hit a steeper slope then expected... look back at this number.

Thing is, if everyone is always complaining that psfans dominate the internet, then there shouldn't be any problem. PS4 will logically dominate sales so long as psfan = sale

I'd think it'd depend on the site, but i don't visit any other game sites...

Outside that, only if you argue that the internet is representative of the general population... and more specifically, internet forum goers.

Which would be like argueing that you can get a great cross sample of all football fans by going on football websites.

That's why generally internet consumer research realizes this, and tends to focus on more broad consumer things such as Twitter... and even then, doesn't really measure how much things are measured vs each other, but instead measures the increase or decrease of the brand being talked about.

I mean hell, if we took this website as any indication... you'd think the Wii U was as popular as the Wii, as it's not like Ninetndo traffic has decreased.  Wii U gets way more play then say, the simialary poor selling Vita.  (who fans haven't exactly helped.)

Which additionally, it's worth noting that this specific cross section seems to favor Playstation fans who own vitas, who themselves are small subsection of Sony fans.


Like I said, I wouldn't read much into it... but if you did want to read something into it.  I'd think you'd have to see it as abd.