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Look at this Wii U bundle that got sold out in a matter of hours
Wii U Deluxe (Limited Editon w Zelda WW + W101 + Ninja Gaiden for $270)
This tells me that price is the biggest problem, and that if they were able to sell it for less than USD250, there would be no talk of Wii U being doomed.

Nintendo should pay for the last multiplats Wii U will be able to get that will run perfectly well on Wii U, for example Ultra Street Fighter IV that will be released on PS3 and XBOX360.
But I don't why should anyone care for a Wii U port of games that will also be released on PS4 and XBone when it will opbviously be much worse because of the power difference.
I would rather have Nintendo pay third parties for a couple of exclusives every year like Bayo 2 or the Wonderful 101, or the Prince of Persia Ubisoft made for Wii, than get inferior ports of games made with PS4 and Xbone in mind.